Photo Schlumpfs adventure travel is Christmas 2007. Coloured Canyon.
Visitors to the island on the Sinai Peninsula, which should not visit the seaand Katharinenklosten. Miss A walk through the Coloured Canyon, wouldbe a shame. Photo Schlumpfs adventure was in December 2007 in thisbeautiful place.The canyon is known because of its stunning colors. Although he has themost people until recently said nothing. The Israelis have discovered thecanyon on one of their training flights after the occupation of the Sinaionly for tourism. The colors formed by different kinds of sandstone.
The canyon is one of the top tourism attractions on the south side of theSinai Peninsula. Early in the morning we went in Sharm el Sheik from thehotel. After several passport controls the mini group arrived after about 2hours in the Coloured Canyon. Photo Smurf Adventure was lookingforward to new photos.The journey will only work with an all-terrain vehicle. At best, a jeep.However, it was not without, as determined drove a two jeeps and wasreleased again only with the help of another. The trip from the hotel cost2007 45 US dollars.
The canyon from the perspective of photo Smurf Adventure Travel
The canyon itself can only be explored on foot, some is just half a meterwide. It is recommended depending on the season, much to drink whilehaving, as there is in principle not to buy here.The vegetaitionslose Canyon itself is about 800 m long and veryimpressive by the play of colors. This is what an embossed by rootsportrait of how a Bedouin, another like a fossilized dinosaur. It is alwaysfascinating what nature is still capable. I hope you like some of thepictures from photo Schlumpfs adventure travel.
Of the Coloured Canyon on the Sinai Peninsula. A hidden and lesser-known gem.