Holbox is a small but beautiful island in the north of Yucatan
La Isla Holox (pronunciation: Get Bosch) is a small and very fineisland off Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula. Photo Smurf Adventure visitedconsisting only of sand Holbox Island following the Yucatan tour inJune and July 2010. The island had been the day before, striped fromthe first hurricane of the season, Alex.Hurricane did not always a lot of rain in the luggage. On theInselsträßchen was correspondingly large puddles. There are no carson the island, hence, of course, no paved roads. Motorized means of transportation are golf carts or just walking.The number of hotels in 2010 was 7. So here's all really very tranquil.An evening at the beach, the sunset with pelicans and other birds inthe background have almost a heavenly character. If you still canenjoy a good cocktail with fresh lobster, then I paint "almost" inparadise conditions.
Location Holbox Island
Holbox is located on the north coast of the Yucatan Peninsula andpart of the State Quitans Roo. The island is 42 km long and 2 kmwide average. The island was divided by a hurricane a few years ago.The northern part of the island is accessible only by boat or byswimming. This part of the island of unspoiled nature. By breaking alagoon has formed a home for flamingos and pelicans. There is onlyone place in this nature reserve, the same place Holbox.
The history of the island of Holbox
As photo Schlumpfs could find adventure, the island was inhabited bythe Mayans. Whether other people already were here, unfortunately,can not be determined. In the language of the Maya Holbox meaning"black hole". This is probably caused by mangrove forests dark water.The Spaniards have retained the old name in the 1850s and settledthe island. The first place was destroyed by a hurricane. The island'spopulation was decimated during this hurricane. Francisco de Molashas used about 40 years as a hidden Holbox.
Tourism on Holbox
The island is small, underdeveloped tourism fortunately. The smallnumber of tourists also has to do with the fact that very manymosquitoes are present on Holbox. A mosquito repellent andmosquito net (if not present already at the hotel) are recommendedstrongly. The inhabitants live mainly from fishing, but also increasinglyfrom Wal sharks, which can be visited on safari. Photo SmurfAdventure also wanted to swim with the whale sharks, unfortunatelythere was no time to see, although hundreds May to September of thelargest fish in the world to be here. Unfortunately, this, as I said, onthat day shy. Is obtained in this case, the back half of the lush trip rice of $ 150.
Holbox, eine Insel zum Innehalten, zum Entschleunigen. Fotoschlumps Abenteuer war 2010 auf der Insel!