Edzna is a significant archiologische Mayan site. Photo Smurf Adventure in June 2010 was
The ruins of Edzna are a beutende archaeological site of the Maya. This legacy sheep ofthe Maya are in the Mexican federal state of Campeche. Photo Smurf adventures visit thesites on its Yucatan round trip in June of 2010.The weather began at this time, so tipping pretty much mid-June. The first hurricane of the2010 season was announced. He was baptized on Alex and should only take this cornerwith rain.Photo Smurf Adventure visited Edzna, which is about 65 southeast of Campeche and 195south of Merida on a Sunday morning. In the parking lot in front of the archaeological sitewas not too much going on. With the exception of some children who showed immediatelyon my car and signified to me that they would take care of. This "watch" shows first thatyou no longer really resides in the secure Europe or North America. However that may be.The boys sat down without discussion to the wheels and gestured that they would do so forthe time of my absent-ness.
History of Yucatan Tour:
Photo Schlumpfs adventure now visited the ruins of Edzna, the first cultural site on theYucatanrundreise. During the journey he came to Merida, Uxmal, Campeche, Tulum,Citchen Itza and Holbox.
There are several explanations for the name Edzna, which is still not clearly translated.House of the Itzaes stands next to the "House of Echoes" and "House of Funny Faces".Since almost no writings of the Mayas have weathered the storm of the Christians, which isperhaps never can be clarified.
History Edznas
Based on current knowledge, this area was settled about 400 years before our era. Tracesof agriculture and animal husbandry indicate the period of time back. In the period from 400 to 1000 in our present era Edzna was a great cultural center on the western side of theYucatan Peninsula. During this time, monumental structures were built and appliedirrigation canals.After this time Edzná lost a little of importance because the city and the management wereprovided by Calakmul. Calakmul was next to the Tikal then probably largest city in theAmericas.In the period 1450-1500 Edzná was abandoned. The end was thus already be underwaybefore the first Europeans decimated the rest of the population.One of the great monuments of this period auricled the five-story palace pyramid, whichwas the center of the city.Unfortunatley Photo Smurf adventures in this holiday big problems with the Canon EOS550 D, the failed service after a few shots. The photos are so formed in the majority with aCasio EX 600.Buildings and temples of Edzná
Edzna in Yucatan. A stronghold of the Mayas. Mexico, next to Photo Smurf Speedy Conzales is here.