In Utah, dominant at Lake Powell finds adventure travel Fotoschlumpfs the Rainbow
Bridge, which was discovered by the American immigrants until 1909, the indigenous
population was but a sanctuary and is. The Rainbow Bridge is the largest natural bridge
in the world. 82 m wide and 88 m high. The bow is up to 12 m thick. Ten months after
discovery by the white man was charged in 1910 for the 25th National Monument US
Rainbow Bridge by US President William Taft. For many people, the bridge is now one of
the seven most beautiful natural wonders of our beautiful earth.
Previously, the entire rock was a meander, which then broke and this magnificent natural
wonder "produced". The Rainbow Bridge can be achieved in two ways. There is a multi-
day hike to the bridge cumbersome for which a permit must be applied for. Simply, it is
to combine a visit with a boat ride on the beautiful Lake Powell. On the 80-kilometer
route, starting at the Whaweap Marina, you come over so many photo hotspots, that it
really is recommended in addition to replacement battery to also have "fresh" memory
cards here.
As photo Smurf Adventure bridge the visited first, he was able to drive up to the ship
almost all the way to the Rainbow Bridge. Approximately 300 m long was then the walk.
Due to the extreme drought in recent years, the water level of Lake Powell has declined
significantly. Due to these sales, investors were far advanced for the ships, and now you
have to run on a very sandy road to enjoy the impressive sight of the natural bridge to
2.5 km.
For the Navajo Indians Rainbow Bridge is not only a unique geological formation. The
Navajos tell of a male and a female rainbow that came together in perfect unity and are
frozen in time. The Rainbow Bridge is the home of the god of rainbows. It is for the
Indians a place of ritual sacrifices and sacred ceremonies, they unfortunately often can
not run, as more and more tourists visit this place of their ancestors. The Fossil Rainbow,
called in the language of the indigenous population "Nonnezoshi" says the legend, a living
gateway to the former ancient world, which the Navajo used to save themselves from a
On the left side of the sheet you can see how a reptilian creature tried the stone arch
from left to right "different world" to cross into the. But some say that it is the guardian
of the Rainbow Bridge. Anyway: Everyone will surely think at the sight of the natural
bridge something else, but nearly everyone will be a little awesome.
For people of the Navajo Indians opinion is forbidden to pass under the bridge. This
should be borne for the sake of respect towards other religions as well. We would also
not approve yes, if a few Indians play in our churches with a bow and arrow or there
smoking a peace pipe. Of course it sounds a little pathetic, but the Rainbow Bridge has
also become a bridge of mutual respect between cultures become.
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The Rainbow Bridge at Lake Powell